November 18, 2020
Oaxaca Coast, Mexico
Hello, My friend. I Am the Light. Do you remember Me? You have been lost in Darkness for so long. The Light is your sacred Home. It is your birthplace. It is from the Light from where you have come from. Be back in the Light. Bask in the Light. For the Light is your very Self. It is your own True Nature. Bask in the Light, for it is the Light that can save you from ignorance. It is the Light that can save you from the torture, confusion and suffering of ignorance. And it is ignorance that is the source of suffering. To be in ignorance is to be in the dark. And to be in the dark is to be in ignorance. To be in the Light is to be with Knowledge. And to be with Knowledge is to be with the Light.
The Light originates from the Heart of God. All originates from the Heart of God. It is this Heart that you are learning to connect to and to live by. It is this Heart that you call HeartMind. It is this Heart that is the Source of all things. It is the Source of the Light. It is the Source of Love. It is the Source of Life. And it is from this silent place of Stillness that you may access your Infinite Nature. It is from this place of freedom that you may access your Real Power. Your Real Power is in the Light. Your Real Power is the silent place of wisdom and love that emanates from your Deep Heart, the Heart of God. And it is this Heart of God that is your true and real Teacher. It is this Heart of God that is your true Guide—your Guide in life.
For it is God that knows your Plan. God has a Plan for you. And it is only through there that you can begin to know your Plan. And that Plan is to deliver you from suffering to freedom. It is that Plan that is here for you to reclaim your Greatness. Your Greatness is with God. And it is through God that you may learn and know your own Greatness. This is not any kind of Greatness that may acquire. It is a Greatness that you already have. It is a Greatness that you already have but that you are not using. It is a Greatness that you already have that you are unaware of. You have fallen into the lethal trap of false dichotomies and power games. These power games and confusions of the lower mind will only leave you empty, defeated and destroyed. It is this prison of power and want that We are here to help free you from.
For this prison has served its purpose and it is collapsing. And as it collapses, where do you want to be? As it collapses do you want to be in harms way as the walls and pillars and roof falls? No. You want to be free of harms way. You want to leave this house that is collapsing and watch it burn. Watch this old foundation, this old house of suffering burn in God’s Holy Fire. Allow yourself to be free of this burden. For it is this burden that is being lifted from your shoulders. You do no need to carry this burden any more. This burden is being taken way and burned. So let go. Let go of this burden. Let go to your attachment to this house. For if you do not, then you will be burned with the house and that is something that is completely unnecessary. It is something that will generate a lot of suffering for you and that suffering is completely unnecessary. So, allow this house to burn. Allow it to burn up. And out of those ashes, God will build a new house for you. This new house will be made in God’s image. This new house will be a house to hold the Mighty Glory of God. This new house is where you are destined to live. It is where you must live, if you want to be free. If you want to be free and true to your Self, then you will let this old house burn and stand waiting for your new Home to be constructed for you. God wants you to be free of this burden. There is no more necessity for it, there is no more need for it, there is no more purpose for this house of suffering. For this house of suffering has fulfilled its purpose. And that is why it must be burned now. Allow it to be burned and be free. Adonai.
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