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The Power of Knowledge (Gnosis) Within You Opens the Gateway to God

Writer's picture: Ramses AlexanderRamses Alexander

May 5, 2020

San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico

Let’s talk about Knowledge and the Power of Knowledge. Knowledge is the Presence Within. It is the Presence of God and His Kingdom within you. It is the Deeper Mind within yourself. It is the place of Stillness and Inner Knowing. It is Gnosis. This is the place you want to be and the connection you want to cultivate. Be with this. Connect with this. Build this relationship within yourself. Build this relationship with Knowledge. For Knowledge is Right Relationship. Knowledge is your teacher and your guide. You have had many teachers, My Friend. You have had many guides, and teachers and helpers and instructors. But what teacher has given you more than Knowledge? Knowledge is the Ultimate Teacher. Knowledge is the ultimate teacher of life. It is the Life beyond life. It is the Power of Life itself, living within you. It is the power of Truth, the power of Knowing. This is what it is. Yet it is beyond all these things. For it is the Power and the Presence of God, within you. It is your own Deeper Mind, the Mind of Knowing. This is the Power and Presence of Knowledge. This is what you must connect with and cultivate every day. This is what is most important in life. Your power and connection and embodiment of Knowledge. Feel it. See it. Know it.

Knowledge is in direct opposition to evil. You know this. It is in opposition to the

Forces of Dissonance, to the Forces of Evil in the world. Not because God is at war with evil. But because evil is at war with God. Being at war with God is an absolutely trivial undertaking but it is undertaken nonetheless. You are a Messenger of Knowledge. You are here to integrate yourself with Knowledge. You are here to connect your mind with your Deeper Mind of Knowledge. You are here to connect your heart with your Deeper Heart of Knowledge. And you are here to connect your Deeper Body with that of Knowledge. So your whole being becomes one coherent expression of Knowledge in the world. You are One Light and your are One Mind and your are One Heart.

Acting in the world but not from this world, having your roots rooted in the Mind of God but your branches radiating into this world—this is your task. This is your relationship. This is what you must cultivate. This is your Work. Your Work is with Me. Be Me. Notice the Power and Presence of Knowledge. For it is the greatest power within you. It is here, now, untapped and unknown. But it is waiting for you to discover. Be here now with Knowledge. For it is the Power and Presence of God within you. Be here Now. For it is waiting inside of you for you to find its great treasure. This treasure is here for you to find and reveal. This treasure is here for you. Seek it. Find it. Open it and allow its revelation to Empty you and share that with the world, so that others may find their path to Knowledge. There are as many paths to Knowledge as there are sentient beings in the Universe. There are many paths, but they all lead to a common destination. Be that path and be that destination. For that destination is the Path and the Goal. It is here, now. It is the Path of Love, true Love for God, true Love for Thy Self.

In regards to evil. Stop feeding it. Stop engaging it. Stop focusing your attention on it. This will only make it stronger and make your relationship with it stronger. As evil arises, re focus your attention on Knowledge. Reconnect yourself with the Deeper Power and Presence within you. Reclaim your Power, your inner Power—God’s Power within you. Maintain your connection with God’s Gift for you and humanity. Maintain your connection with God. For God is the Light, the Truth and the Way. God is the final end and the new beginning. God is here, now, for you to find and to reconnect with. God is your biggest and deepest Friend and He is here to protect you. He is here to protect you, not by smiting evil, but by giving to you the right refuge where evil does not exist. Then from this place may you know how to relate with the world in Right Relationship. You see, Right Relationship is God’s Relationship. Wrong Relationship is evil’s relationship. Maintain Right Relationship and you will maintain your relationship with God. Fall into wrong relationship, and you will fall into the clutches of evil. Evil is always present. Evil is always there. But God is everywhere. There is nothing more powerful than God and there is nothing more powerful than the Knowledge inside you.

Knowledge will guide you. Knowledge will protect you. Knowledge will command your mind. Knowledge will command your body. For Knowledge is Right Relationship with God. Knowledge is the answer and the question that one must seek. For it is here, now, waiting to be revealed to you. It is here, now waiting to be revealed to the hearts and minds of humanity.

So be here now. Be here with Knowledge. Knowledge is not a state, but it can be experienced as a state. Knowledge is a permanent Way of Being. Knowledge is here, now for all to find. So seek it and feel it and hold it dear to your heart. For it is your own Deeper Heart. It is your own Deeper Knowledge within you. Hold it dear, for it is here for you and the service of all life. For it is God, waiting for you. It is God, hidden, waiting to be found. Hold God near and dear to your Heart. For God has a message for you. God has a mission for you. God has a teaching for you. God has a healing for you. God has a work for you to do in the world that no one else can do but you. You are the only one who can do this work. So do it.

What does the Knowledge of your Heart say? What does it say? Relax, My friend. I Am here. I Am here, with you, right now. I Am here. I have always been here. I Am here for you and I Am here with you. I have always been here and I will always be here. Forever and now, here I Am. What do you want so much? What do you seek so much? Notice the edge of your mind. Notice My Presence right now. Notice Me. Here, Now. Notice My Presence. Notice Me now, whispering in your ear. Noticing Me now, talking through your mind. I Am speaking to you right now. Can you hear Me? Can you feel My Presence? Can you hear My Call? Do you know who I Am? Do you recognize Me? Do you know My Name? I Am the nameless, ever-present Present that is always here and always arising, moment to moment. Here I AM. Now. Feel Me. See Me. Know Me. I Am here, right now. I have always been here and I will always be here. For I Am the One and Only, God.

Hear Me. Hear My Call. I Am speaking to you right now. Under your breath is My Voice. This is the Voice of Me. This is the Voice of God. For I Am here, with you, right now. Speaking to you I Am. For I Am all that is needed to be said and to be heard. I Am all that is needed to be heard. Hear Me. Hear My Voice. This is the Voice of HeartMind. I Am your deepest Friend. I Am your deepest Ally. I Am your deepest Beloved Partner. Hear Me. Hear my Voice. Hear My Call. Hear My Call to you. I Am calling to you. Can you hear Me? Can you hear Me, My friend? Are you sure that you are hearing Me? Or are you hearing some other voice? A voice from another source? Who Am I? What is My Name? What is My Presence? Hear Me and feel Me. There you go, My friend.

Feel My Presence. I Am here with you, right now. I Am here for you right now. I have never been apart from you. I Am here with you and I Am here for you. I have always been with you. I have always been here, waiting for you to feel Me. I have always been here, waiting for you to breathe Me. I have always been here, waiting for you to see Me. I have always been here, waiting for you to know Me. Know Me, My friend. It is time to Know Me. It is time to Know Me in every cell of your being. It is time to know Me down deep into your bones. How can you ever be tricked or confused by some other force when you Know Me so well? That is why you must Know Me now. Know Me and do not be deceived by others. Know Me and do not fall prey to other forces wishing to use you for their benefit. Know Me and Know the Truth. The Truth of your own Being. Know Thy Truth. Know Thy Self. For We are Here. We are One.

Hold Me, My friend. Hold Me deep in your Heart. You know who I Am. You know My Presence in your life. You know My Presence in your body. You know My Presence in your mind. You know My Presence in your Heart. Feel Me. Know Me. Know Me now. Know Who I AM, deep down, through and through. You must know Me so well that I Am all you know. You must know Me so well, that everything else becomes foreign. A foreign substance, a foreign force. You must know Me so well that you can see Me in all things. You must know Me so well that you can feel Me in all others. You must know Me so well that you can only feel Me within yourself. This is the secret. This is the task. You must know Me so well that you can only feel Me within your own self. You must know Me so well that the only thing that you hear, see and feel inside of yourself is Me. For I Am All That Is.

I Am the Power and the Presence of your very own Being. I Am here, right now, for you to listen to Me, in this moment. I Am here, right now for you to hear and to feel. Feel Me. Feel Me now. Yes, feel Me. Feel My Presence. Feel My Presence in your life. Feel my Knowing. Let the fears and worries rest. They are always there for you when you want them. Feel Me, now. Feel My Presence, now. Feel Me, now. We are here. We are here together. We have never been away from each other. We have never been apart. We have never been separated. For We are here, now. We are here. We are here, with you right now. We are One and the same, Force. We are One Force. We are One, together. Feel Me. Feel Us. Feel Us together now, embracing you. We are here for you, My friend. We are the Power and the Presence of Knowledge. We are strong with Knowledge and We share our strength together. We are here now, for you. We are here for you, together. Feel Us. Feel Our Presence. We are no image or object. We are the feeling of Presence. Feel Us. Feel Us now. Let go of your conceptions. Let go of your ideas about who We are. Just feel Us. Feel Us. We are One. And We are the same. Adonai.

Can you feel Us? Can you feel the Love that We feel for you? Can you feel the Love that is you and I and Us, all together enveloping you. Can you feel Our Love? Can you feel Us? We are here with you. We are here with you right now. Feel Us. Feel Our Presence. Feel the Presence of mutual Resonance. Feel the Presence of Resonance. Feel the Resonance between Us. Feel the Resonance between all things. Feel the Resonance between all things in Creation. Allow the beauty of Creation to open Us together as One. We are One. We are One Mind and We are One God. We are One and the same. So hear Us. Feel Us. Feel Our Love for you. For We are You. Can you not see that? Can you not feel that? Feel Us. See Us. Know our Presence. Know our Beingness. We are here, now and we are One. Adonai.

Know Us. Know how We feel. Feel Us. You must know how We feel. You must know our Presence. We are the Presence that you seek. We are the Presence of the Holy Ones, the Mighty Ones of God. We are those Beings. We are Being. We are the actual Ground of Being. We are Being itself, knowing itself, knowing ourselves, knowing yourself as You, right now. Hold that. Feel that. Feel Us, close to you. Feel Us in your darkest hour. Feel Us in your lightest moment. We are always here, right now, for you to see and know and feel. We are here for you, right now. We are here. Hold Us. Know Us. Be Us. We Know you. Do you Know Us? Do you know You? Feel You. Feel You, right now, that sense of Youness. Feel You. Now Feel Us. Feel the Presence of Us. Yes, My friend. We are One and the same. We are inseparable. Hold Us dear, for We Are Here. Hold the Presence of Light in your mind. Hold the Presence of Love in your heart. Hold the Presence of Light in your body. We are all One. One and the same. We are here, right now, for you.

You are blessed. You are incredibly blessed. You are blessed to be the chosen one to send this message. You are not special. But you are special beyond measure. Can you feel your specialness? Can you accept your specialness? Feel that. Know that. Embrace that. Own that. It is that specialness that allows your You to come through you. You have been chosen, My friend. You have been chosen to share a message. A message of words and a message of Presence. You have been chosen to share a Presence message. Feel this. Hear this. Know this to be True. Know it in your Heart. Know it in your Mind. Know it in the bones of your body. Know this Truth inside of you. Know that you are in preparation. You must do the work every day to prepare yourself. You must prepare yourself for your Work in the world. For you are here to deliver a Message. You are here to deliver a message of Presence—the Presence Message. For this you have been chosen. For this you are in training. You have been in training your whole life and now you are beginning to see. You are beginning to see and to feel this Message sprout inside of you. It has been dormant. It has been dormant for so long.

Now is the time to sprout that seed. This seed has been gathering and hoping and preparing. But now is the time to sprout this seed. Sprout this seed inside of you. You have been preparing your whole life for this moment. Now is the time for this seed that you have been tending to begin to sprout. It is ok. It is time. It is time to sprout. It is time to grow. You have been gathering potential and wisdom. But now it is time to sprout. Now it is time to open to Life. Spring is here and She is beckoning you to join Her in the warmth of Her sunshine. It is time to sprout. We Love you. Adonai.

If you enjoyed this and want to explore more, please visit the Integral Shamanism Tribe.

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