Enhance focus, mood, and conscious health with this super-nutrient
Service Description
All matter has an energy and informational aspect. What is the difference between a liver cell and a brain cell, for example? The information in the quantum field is different, informing the growth, form and function of the cell. Subtle Energy Sciences has developed quantum technology that captures the information of just about anything in the quantum field, amplify it, and converting it to a digital format to use on your computer or smart phone (it can be printed out too!). This technology is truly revolutionary and amazing. I have been using this technology for years and it has changed my life. I use it for meditation and spiritual practice, exercise, work, health, sleep, for charging water, food, and even charging my whole house with this beneficial energy. To find out more information about these Quantum Energy Apps or if you would like to own them for yourself, please check out the link below: https://subtle.energy/ref/155/ Quantum Energy Transmissions is an online session that broadcasts these powerful quantum energies directly to you, wherever you are in the world. Please communicate through the contact details below for more information. First session is free! Quantum Energy Apps that are used for this transmission: 1) MONOATOMIC GOLD Benefits include: Enhanced focus Improved brain function Enhanced sex drive Hemispheric balance Increased intelligence Improved memory Greater emotional balance Activation of the higher senses: With consistent long-term use, in some individuals, monatomic gold can activate dormant senses such as clairvoyance, clairaudience and telepathy. Catalyzed spiritual evolution: Monoatomic Gold allows subconsciously held beliefs and worries to surface and become understood. It acts upon the pituitary gland, inducing an increase in hormonal production, and thus offers anti-aging support. 2) PURE WHITE LIGHT Benefits include: Neutralizes negative EMF, ELF, and geopathic zones Creates a pristine energetic space Cleanses spiritual blocks and provides spiritual protection when used with intention Supports creativity when used with intention Protects from the negative conflict energy of other people Is deeply supportive of human biology 3) HEART COHERENCE Benefits include: Reduce cortisol, stress and anxiety. Strengthen the immune system. Trigger the release of DHEA, an important anti-aging hormone. Improve digestion. Optimize the nervous system.

Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule, please contact us 24 hours in advance.
Contact Details
+521 954 154 7268