Psychic Empowerment Program:
Inner Vision

Inner Guidance, Astral Soul Integration, Light Body Health and Psychic Self Defense Program
Awaken your innate psychic perception for insight, healing, and spiritual growth. We all are born with innate psychic perception, however we are rarely taught to develop it and in many cases we are encouraged to suppress it. In the various levels of this program, you will learn how to activate your imagination, coupled with deep meditation, to access the astral dimension of your soul. Here, you can learn to commune with your Higher Guidance for direction in life, integrate soul fragments for greater empowerment and heal your light body with astral hygiene. Our astral soul exists whether we believe in it or not, so by becoming aware of it and learning how to use this dimension of our self, we can heal mystery ailments, expand our awareness and embody our greater potential.
These meditation sessions are similar to other modalities by other names like, Theta Healing, Quantum Healing Hypnosis and Shamanic Journeying.
This program can be taken as individual sessions (in order) or as one whole package, in person or online.
Activate, integrate, and embody your soul power to be a vehicle for Divine Service. Illuminate your soul with the light of your Spirit.

LEVEL 1: Higher Self and Spirit Guide Communion

The Soul Guide or Spirit Guide is a key concept in the shamanic traditions. There are many names for them, including helper spirits, Inner Guidance, Inner Teachers, or communing with your Higher Self. It is important to realize that one’s Spirit Guides, on one plane can be seen as separate individuated consciousness that are present to serve the evolution of your soul. On another level, they are aspects or extensions of your own Higher Self. In the shamanic tradition one contacts their Spirit Guides in the Upper World (versus the Lower World where you commune with your Power Animal). This is the realm of enlightened teachers and spiritual guides. In the Taoist tradition, this could be likened to developing one’s Hun Spirit and communing with your Shen Spirit or infinite, enlightened aspect of yourself.
In any case, every person has a plan, purpose and direction in life. Do you know yours? Contacting one’s Spirit Guides and communing with your Higher Self can help you develop greater clarity, purpose and stability in life. Sprit Guides can teach and help you how to live in right relationship with life, give you guidance with important decisions and also serve with spiritual protection. Your Spirit Guides are exactly what their name suggests—they help guide you through life for the optimal development of your soul. Yet because we have free will they cannot do any work for us. We have to be able to listen to them and discern their message and communication to us. This is why developing a stronger and more clear connection with them is very important for the development of one’s spiritual path.
All proceeding levels of this program, and a purposeful life in general for that mater, depend on your connection with your Spirit. The more you can strengthen your connection and embody your Spirit in the flesh, the more your whole self and life will light up with Presence, purpose and fulfillment. The more you can anchor yourself in the Power and Presence of your Spirit, the more you can balance and organize all the different aspects of your self--your soul, your mind, your emotions, your energy body, your physical body--so you become one whole being. Grounding yourself in your Spirit, your True Self, is where your real power lies. The work is balancing all aspects of your self so they fall in line with the Will of your Spirit, with God's Will, and so your personality becomes transparent to your Inner Divine Light.
The session is a guided meditation. However, I use certain relaxation techniques and a self hypnosis technique that will allow you to access a deep state of relaxation and consciousness that even an inexperienced meditator will benefit from. Whether you are an advanced meditator or haven’t meditated before, you will be able to access a deep, open and focused state of mind to access the deeper wisdom and power of your Inner Guidance, either in the form of Spirit Guides or direct communion with your Higher Self. Through the guided meditation, you will be dropping down into Alpha and Theta brainwave states to access deeper states of relaxation and insight.
The session includes:
Introduction about your Higher Self, Sprit Guides and the astral worlds
Relaxation techniques
Self hypnosis techniques for reaching a very deep state of consciousness
Creating your inner safe and peaceful space, where you will be able to do powerful work with your consciousness
Travel and communion with your Spirit Guides and Higher Self
Integration of the knowledge received and returning back to normal consciousness.
Between 1 and 3 sessions will be enough for you to gain sufficient knowledge, experience and confidence to do this on your own so you can empower yourself with your own direct line of communication to Higher Guidance from your Higher Self and Spirit Guides.
PRICE PER 2-HOUR INDIVIDUAL SESSION (in person or online): $100
Recommended Quantum Energy Apps for deepening your communion with your Higher Self:
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LEVEL 2.1: Power Animal Integration
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The Power Animal is a key aspect of the shamanic tradition. Virtually all shamanic cultures have some version of a power animal practice. Other names include, spirit animal, animal guide, or totem animal. The power animal is usually recovered or found and allied with in the “underworld” of a shamanic journey (out of the traditional 3 worlds of shamanism, we will be traveling to the Lower World to commune with your Power Animal). This is often a key aspect and source of a shaman’s power in the astral realm or often called “spirit realm”. However, interacting with a power animal does not have to be limited to a shaman or a shamanic practitioner. Everyone has a power animal. Everyone. So everyone can benefit from a power animal practice through a Shamanic Journey.
Now, what is a Power Animal? A Power Animal is one’s embodied soul power in the astral realm of your own psyche in the form of an animal. From the Taoist perspective (Chinese 5 Element Theory), the Power Animal corresponds to one’s Po spirit and relationship with their Zhi spirit. The Po Spirit is the aspect of the soul that is corporal, grounded and instinctual, among other things. It is yin versus the more yang etherial soul of the Hun spirit, but that is another discussion. The important thing here to understand is that by finding one’s Power Animal (or animals, as you can have more than one) and cultivating a relationship with it and then integrating it, you are slowly embodying more of your own corporal soul’s power. By retrieving a part of your soul or psyche (in the astral plane) and integrating into the self, so you can live a more whole, healthy and empowered life.
Through my years of experience working with Power Animals, I share what I consider to be the most essential knowledge and practices for you to begin embodying your own deeper power and inner guidance through your Power Animal.
The session is a guided meditation. However, I use certain relaxation techniques and a self hypnosis technique that will allow you to access a deep state of relaxation and consciousness that even an inexperienced meditator will benefit from. Whether you are an advanced meditator or haven’t meditated before, you will be able to access a deep, open and focused state of mind to access the deeper wisdom and power of your power animal. Through the guided meditation, you will be dropping down into Alpha and Theta brainwave states to access deeper states of relaxation and insight.
The session includes:
Introduction about Power Animals and the astral worlds
Relaxation techniques
Self hypnosis techniques for reaching a very deep state of consciousness
Creating your inner safe and peaceful space, where you will be able to do powerful work with your consciousness
Travel, communion and integration with your Power Animal(s).
Integration of the knowledge received and returning back to normal consciousness.
Between 1-3 sessions you will have enough knowledge, experience and confidence to practice on your own and begin to deepen your relationship with your own power and inner guidance.
PRICE PER 2-HOUR INDIVIDUAL SESSION (in person or online): $100
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LEVEL 2.2: Plant Spirit Healing and Wisdom

Every plant has a consciousness or “spirit”. We can connect with the physical bodies of plants—their soma—by ingesting them or using their matter in some way. However, we can also connect to their consciousness or "spirit". It is there, we can open up a dialogue with them, learn from them, enter into deeper relationship and communion with them and gain deeper healing and wisdom from them. In time, we can even become extensions of their consciousness and offer healing to others when in need.
The session is a guided meditation. However, I use certain relaxation techniques and a self hypnosis technique that will allow you to access a deep state of relaxation and consciousness that even an inexperienced meditator will benefit from. Whether you are an advanced meditator or haven’t meditated before, you will be able to access a deep, open and focused state of mind to access the deeper wisdom and power of your power animal. Through the guided meditation, you will be dropping down into Alpha and Theta brainwave states to access deeper states of relaxation and insight.
The session includes:
Introduction about Plant Spirits and the astral worlds
Relaxation techniques
Self hypnosis techniques for reaching a very deep state of consciousness
Creating your inner safe and peaceful space, where you will be able to do powerful work with your consciousness
Learning how to commune with different plant spirits and gain a deeper relationship with their medicine and wisdom
Integration of the knowledge received and returning back to normal consciousness.
Between 1-3 sessions will have enough knowledge, experience and confidence to practice on your own and begin to deepen your relationship with your own power and inner guidance.
PRICE PER 2-HOUR INDIVIDUAL SESSION (in person or online): $100
Recommend Quantum Energy App for deepening your connection with Plant Spirits and the natural world:
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LEVEL 3: Light Body Health

Many of us have heard of chakras, meridians, the light body, and energy healing. What if you could see your own energy anatomy? What if you could learn to clean, balance and activate these hidden aspects of your own body-mind for greater clarity, emotional and physical health and spiritual connection? What if you could become your own energy healer and open up greater shamanic potential within your own self? This session begins that process.
The session includes:
Introduction about your energy anatomy and the astral worlds
Relaxation techniques
Self hypnosis techniques for reaching a very deep state of consciousness
Creating your inner safe and peaceful space, where you will be able to do powerful work with your consciousness
You will be guided through your energy anatomy to learn how to see or sense energy flow and energy structures within yourself
Integration of the knowledge received and returning back to normal consciousness.
You will awaken your psychic senses to inhabit your subtle energetic body with more consciousness and learn how to maintain and grow the health and abilities of your various energy bodies. You will work with the chakras and other energy centers and energy pathways. You will discover your own light body anatomy and learn how to heal and maintain the health of your light body. Any artificial obstructions or astral infections like etheric implants or negative entity (I sometimes call Negs) attachments will be worked with in Level 4: Psychic Self Defense.
This basic knowledge of your own light body is the foundation for all further psychic work, including the Psychic Self Defense Course.
PRICE PER 2-HOUR INDIVIDUAL SESSION (in person or online): $100
Recommended Quantum Energy Apps for charging and maintaining the health of your Light Body:
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LEVEL 4: Defense Against the Dark Arts: Psychic Self Defense

Life on Earth, at least at this time, is polarized into a duality. There are many expressions of this duality and one significant one is through moral duality. The basic moral duality of the universe is Service to Others or Positive Polarity and the other is Service to Self or Negative Polarity. Positive Polarity obeys the Golden Rule—Do No Harm. Negative Polarity violates the Golden Rule and seeks control, energy/resources, and power for oneself over the free will sovereignty of others.
Just like there are physical parasites and pathogens in nature that can cause harm to the physical health of humans, so is the case in the etheric and astral realms. Think of a deep cut or wound on your arm, if you tend to it well, disinfect it and bandage it, then it can seal up and heal. If the wound is not tended to well and your immune system is compromised however, it will get infected and that infection can spread. It will become a large strain on the immune system tying to keep the body safe from the infection. This same principle holds true for hyper-dimensional parasites and psychological wounds. Astral and etheric parasites and negative entities are attracted to our psychological and soul wounds like moths to a flame or flies to an open wound. Why? Well, because our energy of suffering or loosh is food for them.
There are all kinds of parasitic beings. In general they all share the same characteristics— they are parasites and they feed on the negative, dense, chaotic emotions generated from human suffering. They will manipulate one’s mind to sustain or increase one’s suffering to keep getting their ‘fix’ of negative emotions and will often fight to the death to keep their food supply open. Depending on the type of entity, they can lodge themselves into virtually anywhere in the energetic anatomy of the subtle body. They can lodge themselves into energy centers (like the chakras), energy pathways (like the acupuncture meridians), create cavities or time-space bubbles in one’s aura, or infect the whole energy body with a full blown demonic possession.
Fatigue, numbness, depression, anxiety, interpersonal drama and general resistance to your spiritual connection and mission in life can be effects of negative hyper dimensional interference, among other things. Please read my article on Intro to Hyperdimensional Interference and Serpent Sorcery for more information.
The session includes:
Introduction about your energy anatomy and the astral worlds
Relaxation techniques
Self hypnosis techniques for reaching a very deep state of consciousness
Creating your inner safe and peaceful space, where you will be able to do powerful work with your consciousness
You will be guided through your energy anatomy to identify and neutralize any artificial etheric implants that are obstructing the natural harmony of your Light Body.
You will be guided through your energy anatomy to identify and neutralize any negative entity (Negs) attatchments in your auric field
Integration of the knowledge received and returning back to normal consciousness.
This is a continuation of the training of Light Body Health. In order to grow and maintain the health of your light body, sooner or later you have have to know how to identify and neutralize any artificial obstructions that compromise the health and development of your light body. These obstructions include etheric implants and entity attachments. This is a hands on session where you will enter into a deep trance state and experience this healing and empowerment for yourself.
Because of the enormity of this topic, an introductory lesson and preparatory reading material will be necessary before the experiential meditative session(s).
In these sessions we will focus on education about these forces and the tactics used for manipulation and possession. We will also focus on hands on practice of becoming aware of these entities, confronting them and clearing them through a shamanic trance state. We will also work on making changes to one’s life and personality to build a stronger psychic immunity to prevent more severe reinfection or interference in the future. This is a course on self-empowerment. Nothing will be done for you. I will share what knowledge, tools and resources I know to empower your own spiritual sovereignty.
PRICE PER 2-HOUR INDIVIDUAL SESSION (in person or online): $100
Recommended Quantum Energy Apps for Clearing and Protecting your Aura from negative influences:
Contact me below and find out more:
Psychic Empowerment Program: Inner Vision ALL LEVELS PACKAGE

*This program can be adapted to your specific needs and goals*
Whole program includes:
Teachings about the different dimensions of the human body, including the physical body, etheric body, emotional body, mental body and the soul and Spirit. Learn how they inter interact with each other for optimal health and growth.
All 4 levels including: Higher Self and Spirit Guides, Power Animal Integration, Plant Spirit Healing and Wisdom, Light Body Health, and Psychic Self Defense.
Teachings about the Dark Matrix Control System and how to protect yourself from hyper-dimensional interference.
12 guided meditation sessions so you gain sufficient knowledge and experience to have sovereignty over your soul health and growth.​
Approximately 30 hours total of intensive education and training.
Bringing it all together: Aligning your soul to the Will of your Spirit. Becoming transparent to Divine Light.
The Quantum Energy Apps are purchased separately. Several will be required for the whole training.
What you will learn:
How to commune with your Higher Self and Spirit Guides for guidance and protection and support on your spiritual journey in life.
How to integrate aspects of your soul (with Power Animal Integration) for greater embodiment and empowerment and wisdom and protection. This is a soul retrieval.
How to commune with Plant Spirits and receive healing from them. You will also receive knowledge and wisdom from these Teacher Spirits.
You will learn how to perceive your Light Body and all its many aspects and dimensions. You will be able to clean and heal and grow your Light Body for greater spiritual growth and mental, emotional and physical health.
You will be able to perceive obstructions or interference to your Light Body and to your spiritual growth. You will learn to perceive and neutralize negative entity attachments (Negs) and neutralize etheric implants as well.
You will learn about the different aspects of your soul and how to balance your multidimensional self to be in alignment with the Will of your Spirit, to Divine Will and your Mission/Purpose at this point in your life.​