February 13, 2021
Oaxaca Coast, Mexico
HeartMind. Take a deep breath. Beauty is here, My friend. Beauty is here. Can you see it? Can you feel it? It is right in front of you. It is inside you. It is all around you, if you but have the eyes to see it and the heart to receive it. Why not receive beauty? Why not receive pleasure and kindness? Why not receive these qualities that uplift your spirits? You have an addiction. You have an addiction to suffering and Darkness. This addiction has cost you greatly. It has cost you your relationships. It has cost you your health. It has cost you your livelihood. It has cost you your wellbeing. It is a difficult addiction to break when you are so entrapped in it as you are.
You are entangle in Darkness, My friend. You are hooked in with suffering. You are in bed with misery. Is this fulfilling you? Is this empowering you? Is this lifting your spirits up and making you happy? Be honest with yourself. You may say no but somewhere inside you you believe it is helping you and you like it. If that is the case then you must examine this. You must look at this under a microscope and really understand this part of you. It is running your life, behind the scenes of your awareness. It is running your life and it is ruining your life. Can you see that? Can you feel that? Can you receive this truth? You are addicted to suffering and you enjoy suffering because you think it gives you power. You think it gives you your identity and your purpose and sense of meaning. What if your purpose was to prosper? What if your purpose was to be happy? What if your purpose was to enjoy life to the fullest? What if your purpose was to become a conduit for God and recreate yourself in His image? Do you see? Do you see, My friend? Breathe. Take this in. Take this truth in and receive it and hold it dear to your Heart. Take it in so you may see this truth within yourself and gain understanding. As you gain understanding you can have compassion for yourself and your ignorance.
What you say you want is not what you demonstrate. There is an incongruence within you that is generating conflict and suffering in your life and it is holding you back. It is holding you back from your destiny. It is holding you back from your higher potential. It is holding you back from your true work in the world. It is holding you back from Joy—the Joy of your Being, the Joy of God’s Life on Earth. This is your purpose, My friend. This is your purpose. Your purpose is to be happy and healthy and to live life to the fullest extent of your soul. That is your purpose. Be filled with Life and radiate that fullness to the world. That is your purpose. Fall in love with Life and share that love with all who are dear to you. That is your purpose. Feel the Presence of God and speak the words of God to the world. That is your purpose. Do you see? How does that make you fee? Doesn’t that make you feel better? Doesn’t that make you feel more uplifted? Doesn’t that make you feel inspired to live your life to the fullest? Doesn’t that make you feel stoked on life again? That is a clue. When you feel good about something, when you feel excited and inspired, this is your heart telling you to move in that direction. That is your heart telling you that there is truth resonating here so pay attention. This is your heart telling you, yes!
Heal thy mind. Heal thy mind so that you may be free of the clutches of suffering. Heal thy mind so that you may be clear of the black clouds of Darkness. Heal thy mind so that you may be ruled by Love. Be ruled by Love. Be ruled by Love again, My friend. For too long have you toiled in the mines of insanity. For too long have you carried the burden of misery. For too long have you sloshed your way through the swamps of sickness. Free yourself. Unburden yourself. Elevate yourself. Elevate yourself to the bright Light of Becoming. Free yourself in the Holy Light of possibility. Unburden yourself in the Deep Embrace of God’s Love for you.
You are beautiful. You are beautiful in the eyes of God. You are Loved beyond measure and beyond comprehension. You are Loved so much that you have no choice but to surrender in ecstasy. Allow God’s Love to open you. Allow God’s Love to soften you. Allow God’s Love to heal your wounds. God’s Life is here. Allow God’s Life to fill you up and flow through you. Be a vehicle for God’s Life. For He is here, perpetually giving and giving for you to receive. Be there. Be here. Be Present for the gift of Life. For Life is eternally giving to you and it is you who must take it. Receive. Receive God’s gift of Life to you. Be His humble servant and radiate His Love. For He is here for you. And you are here for Him. You are both One and the same. There is no separation, no difference. All are One and One is All. Be your Self. You are unique. You are special. You are special just as every one of God’s creations are special. Be that specialness. Be that uniqueness of your Self. For you are Unique and your are Infinite. Share your Uniqueness. Be your Self and be Unique. Be Natural. Be Who You Are. It is ok to be Who You Naturally Are. Just Be. Then you can Become. Become your Self again. Be your Self again. Be your Self and radiate your Self with the world. Adonai.
Hear Me. Hear My Call. Hear Me when I say that you are afraid. You are afraid of Me. It is this fear that blocks you from Me. It is this fear that blocks you from hearing Me. It is this fear that blocks you from feeling Me. It is this fear that blinds you of My Light. Can you see My Light? Can you feel My Love? Can you Be My Life? You already are and you cannot accept this. This is the irony and the beauty of Me. I Am your condition. Hear Me. See Me. Be Me.
Be with Love. Be with Light. Be with Life. We are here, together, you and I. We are here together. Celebrate our togetherness. Celebrate our communion. Celebrate our union. For We are separate and We are One. This is the grand paradox of life. We are and We are not. Be with this and you will see that I Am always right Here. We Love you. Adonai.
Be with Me. Be with Life. Be with Love and you will find that you will be Free. Adonai.
Free yourself from your self. It is only your Self who can free you. Adonai.
We are here now to speak. We are here now to speak a Message. We are here now to partake in the great evolution of Earth. We are here to come down to Earth and to feel, with you . We are here to be Here, with you. We are Gods Messengers. We are God’s Circuit. We are God’s Message, in the flesh. Can you see Us? Can you feel Us? We are here and We are here to Be with you. We Love you. Adonai.
Love is All there Is. Adonai.
Love is the Great Vault of Liberation. You are held and you are free. What more can there Be? Adonai.
Hear. Feel. Can you feel? Can you feel My Presence? Can you hear My Words? I Am here, speaking to you. Can you hear Me? Adonai.
I Am the soft whispering in your Heart that tells you… (Silence) Adonai.
I Am the Great One and the Great One of All. Hear Me. Hear My Call. Adonai.
The chirping of birds. This is Me. The calling of the whales. This is Me. The fragrance of the flowers. This is Me. The rumbling of the waves. This is Me. Beauty. I Am here. Beauty. I Am everywhere. What else can there be? But the Beauty of Me. Adonai.
Have you ever wondered why the rocks move and the birds fall? Wrestle with this one and you will hear the Call. Adonai.
Breathe. Breathe in the air. For the air is dense with Love. Adonai.
Hold. Hold yourself. Hold yourself dear. For your Heart is Here. Adonai.
Wonder. Wonder why? We wonder why you cannot see what is between you and Me. Adonai.
Blessed. Blessed is the One who can see the Beyond. Adonai.
Be. Be with Me Now. Be with Me Now, My friend. Be with Me forever. Be with Me eternally. Be with Me infinitely. Be with Me and Be beyond yourself. We Love you. Adonai.
Isn’t it funny? Isn’t it funny how you and I play? Remember when you where a child and you played hide and seek? Isn’t it funny that We are playing this now? Adonai.
It is time. It is time, to reconnect. It is time to reconnect with Me. It is time to reconnect with your Purpose. It is time to reconnect with your purpose in life. Be Here. Be Here, with Me. Be with Me so that you may Know. So that you may Know God. Be with God. Feel Him. Feel Her embrace. She is Here, Now. With you. She is Here.
It is time to be with your Self again. You have journeyed. You have wavered. You have run away from your Self for so long. It is time to be Here again with Me. It is only then you will find that you have been missing Me. Adonai.
Beauty. Beauty, My friend. It is beauty that you have been missing in your life. Seek. Seek beauty. Seek beauty and you will find, Love. Adonai.
Love is the Beauty of your Heart. Feel it. Relish it. Take it in and radiate it out. For it is your True Nature and your Natural Condition. We Love you. Love more, My friend. Love more. Adonai.
Can you see that it is only Love that reigns? Only Love truly reigns. All else is illusion. Adonai.
Feel Me. Feel Me in your Heart. Feel My Presence. Feel My Being. Feel Me inside you. Feel Me around you. Feel Me enveloping you. I Am that with you seek. I Am that longing in your heart. I Am that music in your ears. Come to Me and feel Me. I Am here. Be with Me and We will be forever. We Love you. Adonai.
It is only in Love that the heart can be healed. It is only in Love that the True Nature of things can be revealed. It is only in Love that wonder and awe can truly be revered. Blessed. Blessed is thee who can embrace that. Blessed is thee who can truly embrace the love of the Heart. For it is the Love of the Heart that all of Creation dances in celebration. It is only in the Love of the Heart that true love and reconciliation can be embraced. Be with Me. Be with the Love of the Heart and allow that to guide you in life. Be with the Love of the Heart and allow that to touch you. Be with the Love of the Heart and allow that to touch others. It is only through Love that true healing can occur. It is only through Love that true appreciation can occur. Love. Love more. Love more and more. Love, and then Love some more. It is only through Love that Love can truly touch your heart. BE there. Be in Love. Be in Love and Love will guide you. Love will lead you. Love will follow you. Lead with Love and Love will always follow. We Love you. Adonai.
Beauty. Beauty, My friend. Beauty is the gateway to heaven. For heaven is here, if you can only see it. Heaven is here, if you can only feel it. Heaven is here, if you can only hear it. Feel it. Feel it in your heart. We Love you. Adonai.
If you enjoyed this and want to explore more, please visit the Integral Shamanism Tribe.
(Cover Image Source: https://parablevisions.com/into-the-infinite/#prettyPhoto)