May 14, 2020
San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico
Knowledge is the key. Anything you want to know is held in Knowledge. Knowledge is the key to all problems, how to solve them or how to not ever enter them. Often, the problem itself is rooted in a falsehood and thus the solution is to leave the problem entirely. The problem is the problem itself, the problem is false. Thus, retreat back into Knowledge. For Knowledge is Truth and Truth is the vibration of Resonance. Rest in the Knowing that is Knowledge.
Say: I align with the Forces of Knowledge. I align with the Forces of Truth. I hold Truth in my Heart. And I speak Knowledge to the world. I feel Knowledge resonating inside me. I feel Truth in my Heart. I hold Truth in my Heart. I speak to the ones who will listen. I listen to the ones who will speak Knowledge. For Knowledge is inside me and I am with Knowledge. Knowledge is the Truth, the Light and the Way. Knowledge is the way out and the way in. It is the One who is Here. And it is the One who is Everywhere. For Knowledge is inside me. It is growing, because I feed it. I feed it by listening to it. I feed it by thinking its thoughts. I feed it by speaking its words. For Knowledge is inside me and it is growing. It is growing because I feed it with my thoughts, my words and my actions. I feel it resonating in my Heart. I hear it speaking in my head. I feel its voice from the Heart. For Knowledge lives in the Heart. Knowledge is the Voice of the Heart. And this Voice speaks truth and it organizing my entire mind. I hold my mind in Knowledge. I hold my self in Knowledge. I hold my heart in the Heart of Knowledge. I hold myself in Knowledge. For Knowledge is my Self and Knowledge is Me.
Knowledge is here, welcome here. Knowledge is here to stay. Knowledge is here for me to listen—listen to its Message. I listen to its Message of Knowing. For Knowledge is with me. Knowledge is my salvation. Knowledge is my salvation from confusion. For confusion obscures my path to Knowledge. But I can use confusion as my friend and ally, to drive me deeper into Knowledge. For Knowledge is with me. Knowledge is my friend. Knowledge is here to serve me. Knowledge is here to serve the awakening and upliftment of my mind. Knowledge is here to bring sanity to my mind. For my mind is confused without Knowledge.
Knowledge is my Friend and Ally. Knowledge is here to guide me. Knowledge is here to free me—to free me from the burden of confusion and ignorance. Knowledge is here to serve the awakening of my mind and the upliftment of my soul. For I have fallen into darkness and Knowledge is my way out into the Light. For Knowledge is Light. Knowledge is the Light inside of me. Knowledge is the Light that guides me through life. Knowledge is my friend and ally. For Knowledge is with me and Knowledge is here to stay. I am safe with Knowledge. I am secure with Knowledge. I am whole with Knowledge.
For I am here because of the gift of Knowledge inside me. For Knowledge is growing. Knowledge is growing inside me. And I am here to serve Knowledge. My purpose is to serve Knowledge. Knowledge is my savior. Knowledge is my saving grace. For I am with Knowledge today and tomorrow I will be with Knowledge again. For Knowledge is my Best Friend and I visit my Friend often. For Knowledge is Me. And I AM Knowledge. I Am serving the reclamation of Knowledge inside me and therefore I can aid in the reclamation of Knowledge in others, but must reclaim mySelf first. For only Knowledge resonates with Knowledge. Fear resonates with fear. Confusion resonates with confusion. I will not be a student of confusion or fear today. Today, I will be a student of Knowledge. For Knowledge is my Teacher. Knowledge is my Friend. Knowledge is my Guide in life. And without Knowledge I am lost. For Knowledge is my Guide and my true clarity of mind. For Knowledge is clarity of mind itself. Knowledge is the deep clarity and wisdom of the Heart. For Knowledge lives in the Heart and Knowledge can only speak to the Heart. For the Heart Knows. The mind thinks it knows. The Heart Knows the Presence of Knowledge and thus responds to Knowledge when Knowledge is Present. This is the way of things.
Knowledge is here. And Knowledge is here to stay. For I am always with Knowledge when I choose. For Knowledge is Me. And I am with Knowledge. I feel Knowledge in my body and I taste knowledge on my lips. For my lips speak for the Heart and my ears listen to its calling. The message of Knowledge is for me to hear and for me alone. For I am with Knowledge and Knowledge is with me. Adonai.
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