August 7, 2020
Oaxaca Coast, Mexico
HeartMind. Aloha. Breathe. Breathe, My friend. Breathe deep down into your belly. Fill your chest with breath. Fill your whole body with breath. Breathe deep, full breaths.
The breath. The breath is key. Breath is key for you. The breath is key for your spiritual and emotional and mental and vital health. The breath is the key to balance in your body-mind. It is the breath that you can use to regulate your entire body-mind. It is the breath that is key to health. It is the breath that is key to cultivating Aloha. Aloha lives in the breath. It is the union of the Inner and Outer Heart and it lives in the breath. Aloha is the breath of life. Breathe Aloha and you will know God. Breath Aloha and you will know Love. Breathe Aloha and you will know Joy. Aloha is the breath of Life and it is the breath that gives life to the Soul. It is the breath that brings joy to the Soul for being in a precious human body. It is the joy to the Soul for being part of Creation, for participating in harmony with Creation.
God lives in all things. God lives to know and love all things. Allow your joy and love for God to ignite your Aloha. Feel it in your Heart. Feel it when you inhale, when you take that first breath from being underwater, fill your lungs with Aloha. Fill your body and mind with Aloha and you will know God. Fill your body and mind with Aloha and you will know God again. God is here. God is with you. And God wishes you to be joyous in your participation in Creation. Be happy with God again. Be happy with life again. Be happy with yourself again.
Aloha is the Flow of Life. Allow the Flow of Life to fill you. Allow the Flow of Life to move you. Allow the Flow of Life to heal your mind and soul. Aloha will heal you. All is Well My friend. We Love you. Adonai. Aloha.
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