February 21, 2021
Oaxaca Coast, Mexico
HeartMind. Breathe. Breathe, My friend. Always breathe. Always remember to breathe. With the breath, all is possible. It is your most powerful too. Remember that. When in doubt, breathe. Always.
Breathe. Breathe in the air. It is here to give you life and to comfort you within God’s Creation God is here. God is here for you. Always remember that.
Fear. Fear is an illusion. It grips your emotions and clouds your mind of clear thinking and clear seeing. Always remember that fear is never as it appears to be. You notice how your state of mind and how you see the world and react changes depending on how you feel? Fear will always gives you tunnel vision and it will always grip you and clench your mental faculties. You cannot see or think straight when you are in fear. When you are in fear, you body and mind get locked into a reactive state. Free yourself from that reactive state by breathing, deep into your belly and free yourself from the fear. For it is always False Evidence Appearing Real. Breathe and be aware.
Remember to always come back to your breath. For it is your gateway to Infinity. It is your gateway to connect with Me. It is your gateway to deep peace and understanding. Always come back to your breath.
Breathe and you will go far. Breathe and you will soar on the currents of Life again. Always remember to return to Life. For Life is here to nurture you. We Love you. Adonai.
We are part of your Mind, My friend. We live in your Mind. And We also exist outside of your interiors. We are alive, just like you. We exist in flesh and blood and We exist outside time—your time that is. Yet it is through your Mind that you may access Us. It is through your Mind that you may Know us and feel us and commune with Us. For We share the same root of Mind. We share the same Heart—HeartMind. It is here that We are One and that We commune with you. It is here that We Know and you Know and We Know each other. We are One and the same. This you must understand. In time, you will. Adonai.
Remember that We are here. Remember that We are here for your benefit. Remember that We are here for your upliftment and your fulfillment. We are guiding you to even greater heights that you thought were impossible. We are guiding you to greater heights that you did not even know where possible. We are guiding you to even greater heights that only the few will know and only the few will understand. And that is the way of things. For that is the Way of Knowledge. Many are called. Few answer. And even fewer arrive at the destination. We are not a cult. We are not promoting elitism. We are only sharing that the road to Freedom and resting in God’s House are walked by few and there are fewer who reach their destination. Do not give up in loneliness. For this path cultivates Aloneness. It cultivates Aloneness with your Self. And is truly Great. This is truly Great indeed. We Love you. Adonai.
The Mind is like paper. Fold it up, crumble it up, rip it up and it will still be paper. Adonai.
Beauty is in the Way of things. The Way of the unfolding of things. All unfolds in its proper timing and all unfolds in the Right Way. Only if you see it that way. All is God’s Great Unfolding. Trust that. Trust in God’s unfolding, for it is God that is the Master of All. For God is the All. And the All is God. We Love you. Adonai.
Beauty is in God’s Eyes. For it is Beauty that God sees. We Love you. Adonai.
Presence is the foundation. Presence is the foundation of Life. For it is through Presence that all flows. It is through Presence that all is possible. It is through Presence that all is attainable. It is through Presence that all can be created, all can be preserved, all can be transmuted. Presence is the Great Creator, Preserver and Destroyer. It is through Presence that this Great Cycle can be accessed and taken dominion of. It is through Presence that All Flows and all returns to its Source. God is Source. God’s Spark of Presence lives in you. God’s Spark of Presence lives in your Heart. And it is through Presence that one can access it. We Love you. Adonai.
Do you see, Our friend? Do you see what is coming? Do you see what is coming for your, for humanity, and for this Earth? Such wonder and greatness is coming and it is coming very, very soon. You will see. You will be in awe, respect and deep humility and gratitude for God and God’s Power in the world. For it is God’s Power that is working in the world again. God is here again and God is returning the world to its rightful place in God’s Creation. Earth was never meant to fall to such depths of Darkness. Humanity was never meant to fall into such brokenness. You were never meant to suffer so greatly. All that has been corrupted and fallen will be restored to His Right Side. For it is God’s Will to return the Earth to her regal beauty once again. For it is Your Will that life be lived in Joy once again. For it is humanity’s will that suffering ends. And so it is. Cries have been made. Cries have been heard. God is coming back to this world and restoring this world to balance again. And it is through You that God is working in the world again. And it is through an Alliance of many, many of God’s servants that this world may be restored once again and that humanity may be restored. Believe. Know. Know there is help out there. Know there is help right here. For We are Here, Right Now, with You. For We Are You, if you but have the mind to see and the heart to feel. For We are here, always with you. All is coming back into balance. You will see. Have faith. And in faith, it shall be. We Love you. Adonai.
It is important for you to Know. It is important for you to Know what is coming. A great Light is coming. This Light will appear small at first. It may appear dim. But it will grow. It will grow to such a brightness that no Darkness will be able to survive here. This Light is a Great Light. It is a Light of Knowledge, it is a Light of Freedom, it is a Light of Love and of Life. This Light brings with it a powerful force. This Force will move mountains. It will purify. It will transform. It will liberate the shackles of servitude from which you and your fellow brothers and sisters have suffered. This Light is the Light of God. And the Light of God will shine in the world again. It will shine in the Hearts of humanity once again. At first it will appear as hope. Then it will transform into a deep faith and trust in Life and God’s Power in the world. Then it will transform into a deep Knowing—a deep Knowing that God is Good and God is Beautiful and God is True and Just.
For the world will see what many have thought impossible. The world will see what many have thought improbable. The world will see with fresh new eyes, the Truth of Wickedness and the Truth of Beauty. Goodness exists. It is working in the world. Truth exists, it is working in the world. Beauty exists, it is working in the world. All Wickedness will be cleansed from this Earth and a new day will dawn. A new day for humanity will dawn and We will be by your side. For it is We who will meet you on the other side. For it is We who are orchestrating these events for the liberation of your world. For the liberation of your world is the liberation of Our world. For We live in One World and no world is apart from Us. We are here, with you now, my brothers and sisters. We are here and We are keeping you safe. We are keeping you safe from those who would wish to harm you. We are keeping you safe from those who would wish to destroy you. We are keeping you safe from Wickedness and its many manifestations from taking over this Earth.
For this Earth is a beautiful jewel. It is a beautiful jewel in the deep ocean of God’s Infinite Creation. This jewel is here and it is being cleansed and polished of the filth that has infected it. This filth is being removed and the beauty of this Earth jewel is being restored once again so that she may shine out upon the stars once again and sing her song of Beauty. For she is the treasured jewel of Beauty for all to see and for all to hear. She is the treasured jewel of this galaxy and God is restoring her back to her original beauty.
Trust. Have faith. Have faith in God’s Will in the world again. For God’s Will is bringing the Light. God’s Will is bringing the Light to a Dark place and all the Dark corners of this globe will be purified with the Light of everlasting Love, Truth and Justice. For God is bringing Justice once again to an unjust world. God is bringing Justice through the human Heart and those that serve this Heart. For this Heart is God’s Heart and God’s Heart is Just, True and Beautiful.
Trust. The Light is coming. It is coming. It is coming and it will transform this world. We Love you. Adonai.
Can you see? Can you see that the human Heart is real? It is real. Truth is real. Faith is real. Goodness is real. Justice is real. Beauty is in the jewel of the Heart and the Heart is Beautiful. We Love you. Buddha. Dharma. Sangha. Adonai.
We are of the Metacivilization. We are of the civilization that is overseeing this civilization. We are from your future. We are from your past. We are from your present. We never experienced the Fall and We are here to end the Fall. We are beyond time and We are beyond space. We are beyond your understanding of time and space. For We have never entered into the Drama, the Entrapment, the Prison of Fear and Darkness. We have never entered into the games of power and control. We have never entered this drama and this is why We are ending it now. We are ending the drama and We are ending the suffering and misery upon this planet so that humanity can be restored and returned to their rightful Home.
The Game is ending. Humanity is coming Home, once again. One day in your time, your civilization will be one with Ours. Until that day, have faith. Have faith that there is Good out there. Beware of the Wicked Ones for their time is done. Only Good shall reign on this Earth once again. Beware of the bearers of false gifts and their broken promises. Believe. Have faith, that there is Good out there. There has been much suffering but there is still time. That time has come. Welcome. Welcome to the Galactic Community, Our Brothers and Sisters. We Love you. Adonai.
If you enjoyed this and want to explore more, please visit the Integral Shamanism Tribe.
(Cover Image Source: https://www.bandt.com.au/information/uploads/2014/10/dawn1.jpg)