April 18, 2020
San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico
Body is the center of your vital-etheric consciousness. The Hara or Belly is your primary storehouse of vital, etheric, life-force energy. It is the Lower TanTien or Elixir Center. It is the Life Center—the first Trinity Center or first Triad Center. It is the Body Center and is the center of Will-Power. It is the Movement Center as well as the home of instincts. In the Macrocosm it is most resonant with the Earth. The archetype of the Taita or Wise One, is typically personified by the Shaman.
Heart is the center of your emotional-feeling based consciousness. The Heart or Chest area is your primary storehouse of emotional energy. It is the Middle Tan Tien or Elixir Center. It is the Love Center of the Trinity. It is the second Trinity Center or Triad Center. It is the Heart Center. It is the Feeling Center, the center of Love-Wisdom and it is our feeling connection with Reality, Life and God. In the Macrocosm, it is the most resonant with the center of the Galaxy. It is the home of Galactic Consciousness and the Christ or Christos or Kristos Consciousness—the Chosen or Anointed One, the Saint.
Head is the center of your thinking, visionary, and mental consciousness. The Head is your primary storehouse of mental energy and awareness or consciousness. It is the Upper Tan Tien or Elixir Center. It is the Light Center of the Trinity. It is the third center of the Trinity or 3rd Triad Center. It is the Head Center, the Thinking Center and the center of Creative-Intelligence. It is the home of your perspective or view on life. In the Macrocosm, it is most resonant with the Sun. It is the home of Solar Consciousness and the Buddha or Awakened One, the Sage.
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(Cover Image Source: https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-h3YI_K0I6TQ/VDPSPk6w6AI/AAAAAAAAAv4/2YCNwGsvsVc/s1600/head-heart-hara.jpg)