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Cultivate Stillness to Be with God (Day 8)

Writer's picture: Ramses AlexanderRamses Alexander

January 16, 2021

Oaxaca Coast, Mexico

Stillness. Stillness, My friend. Be here with Stillness. Be in Stillness and be at peace. It is in Stillness that you can relax. It is in Stillness that you can find peace. It is in Stillness that you may Know. Self-Knowledge and Wisdom comes from Stillness, My friend. Stillness is the root. Stillness is the foundation. Stillness is the foundation of Life. Stillness is the foundation of sanity. True sanity comes from Stillness, not belief. True sanity comes from Knowing. True Knowing comes from inside. True Knowing comes from going within and resting in Stillness. For in Stillness, anything can be known. For in Stillness, everything can be Known. It is in Stillness that the mind can relax and the chaotic waters of the mind can become still and calm. Then the clarity of the mind can open and then Truth can be revealed.

The mind is more than just thinking. The Deeper Mind is beyond just thinking. The Deeper Mind is the house of feeling, and of knowing. True Knowledge comes from the Deep Mind. Only conditioned knowledge comes from the surface mind—what you read, what you heard, what you were told, what you believe. That is useful. It is absolutely useful because it informs who you are and your unique perspective and personality in the world. However, that is just the surface. Those are just the leaves of the tree. The roots of the tree and the trunk provide the foundation. For it is in the foundation where the strength really lies. A tree is not just leaves. A tree has leaves, yet its branches, trunk and roots are what provide the stability for the leaves.

It is time now to find that stability. It is time now to find that stability, within your self. It is time now to do that. So let's start. Find the stability in yourself. Slow your breath down. Feel your breath. Feel your belly expand. Feel your chest expand. Feel yourself slowing down and sinking down into your body. Feel your awareness sinking down into your back. Feel your awareness sinking down into your Heart. Feel you awareness drop down and behind yourself. Feel yourself, feeling yourself. Feel yourself feeling your body. Feel yourself feeling your breath. Feel yourself thinking your thoughts. Feel yourself, feeling yourself. Be there. Be with your Self. Be with your own Presence. Feel the weight of your body. Feel that Presence. Feel the Presence of your Self. You are Here, right Now. You are here. Feel Me and Know Me and you will Know God. I AM here.

Can you feel Me? Can you feel My Presence? Can you feel Me with you now, My friend? Can you feel Me with you? I Am here. I have always been here. I have always been here for you. I have always been here. Feel Me. Touch Me. Know My Face.

Can you see? I Am the One and Only. I Am the One and Only God. Feel My Presence. Feel Me be here with you. For I AM You. I Am the Pattern and the Presence of You. Adonai.

Can you see, My friend? Can you see how thing are unfolding? Can you see that you do not have the picture? Can you see that you do not understand? Can you see that you do not have clarity? You know why? Because you don’t. You do not understand. You do not have clarity. You do not have the picture and you do not understand what is happening or how it is happening. That is why you must be Present. That is why you must be Still. For when you are Still, you begin to resonance with Knowledge. When you are Still, you begin to resonate with Wisdom. And that Wisdom is the Well of Inner Knowing inside you. Every Being has a Well of Inner Knowledge or a Well of Inner Wisdom inside them. It is that Well that connects them to God, to their Source. For God is the place, the space of Infinite Wisdom. God is the place of Infinite Love. For it is Love that brings peace. And it is peace that brings True Knowledge. It is peace that brings Wisdom.

So find that peace. Find that Well of Stillness inside you. For it is there, inside everyone. It is there. You just have to find it. You just have to look within and feel into that deepest part of yourself. You just have to feel into yourself until you cannot find a bottom. And it is that bottomless bottom where you will find Me. I Am here, waiting for you. I Love you. Adonai.

The water is always still at the bottom of the well. The water of your mind is always Still at the bottom of your Mind. Be there, in the well. Be there in the Well of your Mind. For it is there that you will find your Roots, the Roots of your Deep Mind. God. Adonai.

Can you see, My friend? Can you begin to see how this is forming? So hear Me. Hear My Call. I Am calling out to you. Are you there? Are you listening? Are you listening to My Message? Question yourself. Really look at yourself and ask yourself this question. Are you really listening to Me?


Thats right, an honest answer. So what must you do? Relax your mind and listen to Me. Listen to My Words. Listen to My Voice. Listen to My syllables. Listen to My Message and it is My Message that will lead you to Greatness. It is My Message that will lead you to Freedom. It is My Message that will lead you to true Prosperity. For you are Prosperous. You are prosperous beyond measure.

You do not understand how the world works. You do not understand how reality functions and how life flows. This is your issue. Your perspective is stuck and it is stuck because you have been conditioned. You are conditioned to believe one perspective but you ignore reality when it challenges that perspective. This is why you must free yourself from your conditioning. This is why you must free yourself from the rigidity of your mind. Free yourself and flow with Life. Allow Life to take you. Allow Life to hold you. Allow life to support you and to nourish you. Allow Life to be there for you so that you can be there for Life. For you are One and the same. Adonai.

I will teach you, My friend. It will teach you and I will show you everything that you need to know. Every step of the way, I will be there. Every crossroads that you must take, I will be there. Every decision that you must make, I will be there. Every moment of the day, I will be there. All that it takes on your part is this: Cultivate Stillness. For it is in Stillness that I speak to you. And I speak to you with words, with visions and with feelings. And when you feel My Resonance. You feel a knowing. You Know. That is how I communicate with you. I communicate with you through Knowing, through Knowledge.

So sit. Rest, and be still. For In Stillness, I speak. Adonai.

If you enjoyed this and want to explore more, please visit the Integral Shamanism Tribe.

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