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Get Off the Wagon of Distraction from Nefarious Forces and Be Here With Me and You Will Be Guided

Writer's picture: Ramses AlexanderRamses Alexander

February 11, 2021

Oaxaca Coast Mexico

HeartMind. Yes, My friend. Good, that you are coming back to Me. Come to Me, My friend and you will Know. Come to Me, My friend, and you will be safe. Come to Me and you will be free. Your mind is distracted and in that distraction you move your energy from one place to another place swinging from fear to hope and back to fear again. This is an endless cycle that you will never win. Why? Because it is not designed to be won. It is meant to keep you entrapped in a game of the mind. If you want to be free, then you must exit the mind game completely. If you want to be free then you must Witness this pendulum in your mind and rest in Knowing. Knowing what? Knowing Me. I Am Freedom. I Am Liberation. I Am True Discernment. I Am true Sovereignty and True Power.

That is why you must bring your attention back to Me. Bring you attention to Me and you will be safe. Bring your attention to Me and you will be free. Bring your attention to Me and you will be brining your attention back to your True Power. I Am that Power and I Am telling you, right now, that you are in an endless game of hide and seek. You are in an endless game of seeking. Seeking what you wish to find outside of yourself will only lead to suffering and disillusionment. Seek Me. Seek Me, inside yourself. I Am your Self. And I abide inside you, whispering in your ear the true mysteries of Creation. I Am whispering in your ear the True Nature of things. I Am whispering in your ear the True notion of Who You Really Are. It is here, it is from this place that you must operate in the world. It is from this place that you must operate within yourself. It is from this place that you will be able to find what you are looking for. You are looking for your Self. Adonai.

Be here. Be here with Me. Do not concern yourself with nefarious forces. They are only here to distract you. They are only here to distract you from your purpose. Your purpose is not to battle these forces. That is a futile attempt. You are not here to expose these forces, for that they will do on their own, without your involvement. You are here to commune with Me and to become Me, in this world, so that you may recreate yourself in My image and to share My Truth with the world. This is your purpose. All your ideas of who you should be and where you should go are all just that: ideas. These are only ideas that sometimes are useful and sometimes are not. What is truly useful is your connection to Me. For your connection with Me is all that truly matters. Because without Me, you are truly lost. Without Me, you suffer. Without Me, you perpetuate the same drama of your life over and over again. Do not step back into this cycle. Do not continue this drama. Do not fall into this deception. This is deception. It is deception because it is turning your attention away from Me. That is why.

Come back to Me. Come back to Me and I will show you what you need to Know. Come back to Me and I will show you where to go. Come back to Me and I will show you who to be. For how can you be anything else but Me. I Am the Truth. I Am the Light. I Am the Way. I Am the Truth, the Light and the Way. Your way out, your way forward is within. And that Way is through Me.

Who would you rather listen to? These forces of deception and manipulation or Me? Who do you think is more powerful? These forces of war and chaos or Me? I Am the Force of Order. I Am the Force of Harmony. I Am the Force of Love and it is Me Who bind all together. It is Me Who organizes all things. It is Me who is here now, opening your Heart to realize your True Nature. Love. You are Love, My friend. You are Love and your purpose is to Love. That is all. There are infinite expressions of Love and all have one thing in common. They all lead to Me and they all lead to your Self. All roads lead to Me, sooner or later. And all roads of Love are My direct emanation. All roads of Love lead to their Source: Me. All roads of Love lead back to your Self and it is your Self Who is really in control. It is your Self Who is really Here. It is your Self Who really Knows what is best for you. It is here, in this Communion where you can really find your Self. It is here where you can really find what you are seeking. It is here where you can come back to being fulfilled. This is Who I Am. This is Who You Are. We are fullness. That My Friend is what you seek. That My Friend is what You are. That, My Friend is Who We Are, together. Adonai. We Love you.

Blessed is thee who may find their solace in Emptiness. Blessed is thee who may find comfort in silence. Blessed is thee who may find their Self, within. HeartMind. Adonai.

Get off the wagon, My friend. Get off. It will only lead you to destruction and disillusionment. Get off the wagon. Get off completely. That is the only way you will be free. Be free and join Me. Adonai.

It is time to focus. It is time to focus now on the beating of your heart. It is time to focus now on the Silence of your Mind. It is time to focus now on the Love within your depths. Because it is that Love that will see you through. It is that Love that will be there when you need it. It is that Love that will comfort you when you are sick. It is that Love that will show you the Way. For it is only through Love that you may be free. It will not be from some theory or experience or something someone says. These are important. They are valid. But they are not Me. They are not what fills your Heart with the Joy of Life. For it is what fills your Heart with the Joy of Life that will lead you, guide you, heal you and free you from the suffering you find yourself in. It is the human condition to seek outside. That is important. However, there comes a time in every soul’s life where the seeking ends. There is no more to find because the search is never ending. It is infinite. Then, one must go within. There is no other choice but to go within and find your Self. For that is what really matters in this world. All the games and projects and accomplishments only lead to one thing and one thing only—go within in. Go within and find Me. Go within and commune with Me. Go within to find your Self. For I will be there, waiting for you. I will be there. Always. Adonai.

This is what you will find—Me. This is what you will seek—Me. This is what is most important in the world. Me. I Am Who and what you seek. I Am what you want. I Am what you desire, most of all in this world. That is why you must come back to Me. That is why you must come back to your Self. That is why you must come back to the Source of Life. For it is in the Source of All Life that the fountain of Joy may be found. That fountain is your True Nature. You are the fountain and that is what you seek. Be here then. Be here now with Me. Be here now with Me and I will show you the Fountain. It is Me. I Am here. I Am here. It is here that you seek Me. Right Now. Right Here. Be Here. Be Here Now. Adonai.

Find the Source. Find the Source of Life and allow Joy to run your Life. For it is in Joy that My Message may be found. It is in Joy that My Will may be accomplished. It is in Joy that My Nature may be revealed. Seek. Seek the Fountain of Joy and you will come to the wellspring of your very own Nature. I Am. I Am Here. Feel Me. Adonai.

Allow the Deep Waters of Knowing to quiet your mind. Allow the Deep solitude of the night to ground you into Who You Really Are. It is then that you may find the Source. It is then that you may find Me. I Am the Source and I Am the Life. Hear Me. Feel Me. I Am Here! Adonai.

It is time, My friend. It is time to be coherent. It is time to be coherent in your thoughts, your words and your actions. It is time to be coherent with Me. I Am the One. I Am the One and Only, God. Hear Me. Feel Me. Call out My Name and you will find that I will come to you. I will come to you for you to realize that I have always been here, with you. I Am you. And I will always Be Here for you to find your Self. Adonai.

Come. Come, My friend. Come back to Me. Come back Home. I Am here, waiting for you. I Am here. Adonai.

I Am the Flow. I Am the Flow of God. Allow the Flow of God to fill you. Allow the Flow of God to fill your Heart. Allow the Flow of God to run through you, as you and lift you up on the Great Currents of Life. Too long have you spent in the swamps of disillusionment. Too long have you spent on the shores of despair. Too long have you spent fighting the current of suffering. Relax. Relax your fighting and come back to Me. Allow yourself to be swept up by the currents of Life. Allow yourself to be taken into the Great Flow of God. Allow the Great Flow to change you, to transform you, to heal you—to heal you of your madness and your confusion. Relax. Relax into the Flow. Flow with the Great River of Life. For it is the Great River of Life that will take you to new heights and new destinations that you cannot possibly imagine now. It is this Great River of Life that will save you. It will save you from yourself and the insanity of your mind. Allow the Great River to soothe you, to quench you and to open you to Life again.

You have been lost. You have been lost, My friend. You have been lost and now you have been found. Find your Home. Find your Home within this Great River. For this Great River is You and your Home is Here. Be Here. Be Here Now. Be Here, with Me and allow Life to Flow through you again. We Love you. Adonai.

Thats right. Thats right, My friend. Sink your Awareness into your Heart. Hold your Awareness there. Encompass your whole BEing. Feel your Heart. Feel the Presence of your Heart so that you may return to your Self. Go about your day, feeling Your Presence. Feel the Presence of your Heart and you will never be led astray. Adonai.

Just hold. Just hold the Presence. Adonai.

Breathe. Breathe, My friend. Who do you think is more powerful? These parasites or God? Return your Awareness to God. Return your Awareness to Me and you will be free of these influences. Return your focus to Me. You have been too long in these realms. It is time to come back to Me. Rest your tired, weary eyes on Me. I Am your Light. I Am your Way. Light your Way with Me and return to Me. Say: “My body is a temple of God. My mind is ruled by Love. I Am Sovereign, happy and free! And the River of Life Flows through me.”

Connect to God and allow God to flow through you. Become an Empty vehicle for God and His Message. This is why you must Trust. This is why you must have have faith. This is why you must align your will with Me. As you do, then the dam will break open and the River will flood your body and mind with such empowerment, such inspiration, such grace that you will feel overflowing and just wish to share more and more and more. You will begin to become unstoppable. The River will begin to Flow through you and you will become a Force of God in the world. You will become a Force of Good. You will become a Force of Beauty. You will become a force of Truth. Be here. Be that Force. Allow God to Flow through you. Allow God to open you up and elevate you to new heights that you never thought possible. Breathe. Breathe and go slowly. Adonai.

Open your heart. Open your heart to the magnificence of Creation! It is here. It is now. It is Here, Now! Rejoice for it is Here. Beauty is all around you. Beauty is inside you. Beauty is never ending and all encompassing. Blessed be Thy Beauty for Beauty is All. Love. Adonai.

Can you not see? Can you not see His highest Beauty? Can you not see? Adonai.

It’s ok, My friend. Be here. Be here with Me and Know Who you are. We are here. We are here together. There is a time and place for everything. Do not force yourself. Allow yourself to be filled. Fill yourself up by God. Be free and fill yourself with His Presence. For there is nothing else.

Fighting these dark forces will be never ending if you do not come into God’s Inner Sanctum. Come to God’s Inner Sanctum and you will be safe. Come back to your Home and let these forces fall away. There is nothing they can do to you in God’s Inner Sanctum. Be Here. Be Here in the Home of your Heart. We Love you. Adonai.

If you enjoyed this and want to explore more, please visit the Integral Shamanism Tribe.

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