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Grief and Letting Go and the True Power of God—the Heart

Writer's picture: Ramses AlexanderRamses Alexander

August 12, 2020

Oaxaca Coast, Mexico

HeartMind. Aloha. Aloha, nikiri kum. We feel you, My friend. We feel you. We feel your grief. It is ok. It is ok to feel grief, to feel fear, to feel remorse. It is ok. Just feel it and let it go. Grief is about letting go. So feel it and let it go. Do not get caught up in the story. Stay with the feeling and feel it and let it go. Allow it to wash through you. Allow it to wash away. Allow it to wash away from your soul. Wash all that shit—literally—from yourself. Allow it to wash away. This is its natural movement. It wants to wash away. Let it go. Allow it to fall away. Wash it all away and let it go.

Let it go. Let it go. Let it all go and let it all be washed away by the current of Love. Allow Love and forgiveness to fill you—to nourish you. Allow Love and Forgiveness to clean you and nourish you. You are tired. You are exhausted from the struggle. You are tired of the war. You are tired of suffering. Allow all that to wash away and be nourished by Love. Allow Love to guide you and to heal you. Ask yourself, what would Love do? Wash yourself. Wash yourself clean with Love. Allow Love to rule you. Allow Love to rule your Heart. Allow Love to rule your mind again. Allow the sweet nectar of Love to nourish you. Allow Love to heal your body, your mind, and your soul. You are in desperate need of Love. Allow the power of the Heart to rule you. Allow the power of the Heart to take control of your life. Allow the power of the Heart to rule your body-mind. Allow the power of the Heart to reclaim your soul.

Commune with the Heart. Commune with the Heart of God. Allow God to enter your Heart and live your life again. Allow joy to live your life again. Allow joy into your life again. Allow yourself to be and feel joy, passion for life again. Allow your life to be filled with joy again. Allow the Heart to rule you and to claim you and to guide you and to cleanse you and to heal you of all the wounds you have created by not living with its Will. You have followed many voices, many beliefs, many passions that have not been of the Heart. You have followed these and have caused much, much suffering—to others and especially to yourself.

Nourish your relationships. You need to nourish what brings you joy and happiness and fulfillment. You have been nourishing exactly that which brings you pain and suffering. Stop it. Stop that habit and focus your attention to what brings you joy and happiness. Nourish your love. Nourish your joy. Nourish your relationships. It needs love. It needs care. It needs attention. It needs love.

Power is from the Heart. Power is in compassion. Power is in forgiveness. Power is in empathy. Power is in harmony and communication. Power is in cooperation. Live from the place of cooperation. Live from the place of mutual togetherness. Live from the place of compassionate exchange. It is only in the Heart.

Be free from the burden of power. The power you seek is an illusion. It is only an illusion. The power you truly seek is in the Heart. It is only in the Heart where magic happens. It is only in the Heart where you can truly find the power you seek. For that power you seek is only within your Heart. You already have it. It is just a matter of realizing what you already posses. It is only a matter of realizing what you already own. It is only a matter of realizing what you already are. The power you seek is You. It is your own Heart and it is from your Heart that true healing can occur. It is only from your Heart that you may find the Home of True Power. And that Power is the Power of God. For True Power dwells only with God. God has the True Power.

All other forms of power are but illusions that generate suffering. Why? Because they are false forms of power. They are power based in separateness. They are power based in division and control. This is only the illusion of control. It is only suffering. Seek True Power. Seek God’s Power. The paradox is that you cannot control God’s Power, because it is beyond your control. God’s power is beyond control itself. God’s Power is beyond division and deceit. God’s Power is the Great Mystery of Love. It is the Great Mystery of the Womb of Love. It is the Great Mystery of the Womb of Creation. That is True Power. That is the True Power that you seek. That is the True Power that you already have inside of you. That, My friend, is the Power of Knowledge. It is the Power of the Self. Your Self is the HeartMind. Your Self is the Womb of the Earth and all of Creation. Your Self is the Power of God itself. Be with your Father/Mother God and be with Your Power—for that Power is You. Seek You. Seek your Self. Seek what is True and Good and Beautiful. Seek what is Beautiful and you will see the True Power of God. Adonai.

Be with God’s Power. Be with your Self. Adonai.

Be with God’s Power, for He is inside Her Womb. Feel Them, for They are One. Feel your Self. Be with God. Be with Your Self. Adonai.

We Love you. And We will always Love you. We are here, always. Adonai.

If you enjoyed this and want to explore more, please visit the Integral Shamanism Tribe.

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