June 12, 2020
San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico
Rejoice, My friend! For the end of evil is near! It is here! It is coming! The process you are going through is the process of evil ending. It is ending. Suffering on this planet is in the process of coming to an end! Rejoice! It is here, it is near. Allow the sun to warm your face. This is the warmth of the Love that Creation feels for you. The sun shines constantly. The sun never stops giving its Love-Light, it never stops giving, it never stops radiating Love-Light. Rejoice in the Beauty and Presence of Our Infinite One, Our Creator. For the Creator never stops loving. Its Love is eternal. Love is eternal. Beauty be. Beauty be here. Beauty be here. Adonai.
I Am here! I Am here! I Am here! For where have I gone? Nowhere. I AM here. Do you feel Me? Do yo see Me? Do you sense Me? Do you Know Me? I AM here. Feel Me. Sense Me. Listen to Me. For I AM here. I have never left, because I AM here. I Am always here. I Am ALWAYS here. I Am always with you. Never forget to look for Me. Never forget to listen to Me. Never forget to feel Me. Never forget to heed My Words. Know that I AM here and will always be. In Love. We are One. Adonai.
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(Cover Image Source: https://www.royalgrass.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/sun-heat_101565916.jpg)