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I Am, True Individuality and the Middle Path

Writer's picture: Ramses AlexanderRamses Alexander

February 12, 2020

Mexico City, Mexico

I AM the Self. I AM the One and only True Self. All other selves are masks, reflections of Me. But I AM the True Self. I AM your True Individuality. Who is here right now? Who is here? I AM. Only rest with Me. Only rest with I AM. I AM. You Are. It is. This is the true condition of things. This is the true condition of life. Rest in Life. Rest in the True Condition of Life. There is individuality and collectivity. There Is One and there are Many. I AM all that and all that will every be. So hear Me. Hear My Call. Hear My Voice. Hear my beat. We are One and the same and we are different. So be with Me and hear Me. Hear Me, My friend. Hear Me now. What is Mine is Mine and what is yours is yours. Feel this. Think of this. How do you know which is which? How do you know what is Yours and what is of some other source? This is a very important question. This is a fundamental question that every human being that wishes to grow must ask themselves. Because it has a lot to do with everything that is occurring in life. It has a lot to do with everything. Be with Me. Be with Me, Now. For I Am Now. I Am in the Now. I Am the Now. I Am beyond time and I Am in time. I Am all that occurs and will occur.

You have taken on that which is not your own. You have taken on a life and a personality and a mask that is not your own. You have taken on thoughts that are not your own. You have taken on feelings that are not your own. You have taken on actions and habits that are not your own. Learning through pain and suffering? Who’s is that? Who’s choices are that? Are those really your choices? Is this really your path? It is and it its not. It is not your true path. Your true path, the path of your True Self, the path that you have truly desired to walk, the path that is your true expression is the Middle Path. It is the path of balance and integration, health and harmony, peace and sovereignty. But you were born in a culture and in a society and with people where that is not their real path. You were born into a world where that is not their tune. You were born into a life that does not reflect this deepest longing in your Soul, in your Self.

You are here to bring everything into balance and into their right place. You are here to live through Right View, live through Right Relationship and take Right Action. This is your true calling and your true path in life. So walk it. Let’s walk it now. Have you walked it before? Yes. Have you walked others before? Yes. You have walked the path of Many and you have walked the path of One. You have walked all paths there are to walk and now is time to bring all your paths together. Bring them all together into one coherent and integrated and balanced whole. Suffering? That is not your path. Pain? That is not your path. Insanity? That is not your path. Pleasure? That is not your path. Your path is peace. Your path is harmony. Your path is integration. Your path is unity. Tranquility is your path. Clarity is your path. Sovereignty is your path. Life your path. Let Me repeat that again. LIVE YOUR PATH. Live YOUR path. Live i!

Your path is the path of HeartMind. This is your True Path and your True Desire. It is the true expression of your DNA. It is the true expression of your Self and your Soul. Live your path. Live it! Let go of anything that is not your path. How do you know what is your path and what is not? If it causes pain, it is not your path. If it causes suffering, it is not your path. If it causes separation, it is not your path. If it causes overwhelming pleasure, it is not your path. Do not indulge in the vices of the world. Do not indulge in the distractions of the world. Do not indulge in the ups and downs of the world. Do not indulge in the pleasures and sufferings of the world. Do not indulge. Be with Me instead. Be with the peace of the world. Be with the peace that is not of this world. Be with the peace of your Home. Your Sacred Home, your Sacred Relationship. Be with the peace of Right Relationshp. Be with the clarity of Right View. Be with the purpose of Right Action. Live in the world but do not be of it. Live in the world but be free from it and its conditionings. Live in the world and Empty of its influences. Be in the world but do not be from the world. For you are from your Ancient Home. You are from Emptiness. Emptiness is your True Condition and it is your true destination and True Home and Source.

What boundaries should you have? What boundaries should you cultivate? What boundaries are true to your True Self, Me? What boundaries are healthy and wholesome and alive and liberating? What boundaries are liberating? Me. Your Self. Your True Individuality. Me. What is not I AM is not yours. It is from some other source. Another source that is not your own. A source that is not your Source. Creative Intelligence that is not sourced from Me is from another source. Love Wisdom that is not from Me, is from another source. Will Power that is not from Me is from another source. So be with Me. Be with your Self. Be with what is True. Be with what is Beautiful. Be with what is Good. Be with Me. Be with Me and then you will know your Self. And your path is the Self. Adonai.

If you enjoyed this and want to explore more, please visit the Integral Shamanism Tribe.

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