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Knowledge (Gnosis), Trust and Communion with God

Writer's picture: Ramses AlexanderRamses Alexander

December 20, 2020

Oaxaca Coast, Mexico

Knowledge. This is the foundation of all life, My friend. Knowledge is the foundation of living a life in harmony with the Kosmos. Human life has been a game of living life without Knowledge and look at where it has brought you. It has brought you great suffering and confusion. Great fear and despair has resulted from living a life without Knowledge. This you can see. This you can see clearly. So why not live your life with Knowledge and end your suffering? Why not live a life with Knowledge and live your life without fear? End the confusion right now and begin your life with Knowledge.

This is the most harmonious path to take. This is the most rewarding and fulfilling journey to take for a human Soul. Why? Because you are choosing to live your life in harmony with God. You are choosing to live your life in harmony with the Natural Order. You are choosing to return to God and to remake yourself in His image and enjoy the life He has created for you. This is a worthy cause. This is a worthy journey. This is a worthy choice for the human Soul to take. So choose to live your life with Knowledge. Choose to live your life with Knowledge today. Choose Love over fear. Choose clarity over confusion. Choose joy and fulfillment over suffering. End the suffering. End the suffering right now. End it all right now. End it so you can begin anew. End this cycle of suffering so you can begin a new cycle—one based in Love, one based in clarity, one based in harmony with God and the Natural Order.

You will find that living a life in harmony with the Natural Order is choosing to live a life of simplicity. You will find that living a life in harmony with the Natural Order is choosing to live a life that has clear direction. This clear direction is deepening your relationship and your communion and your understanding of God. Because God is in all things. Yet it takes a higher, a deeper perspective to see God in all things. This is the Grand Paradox. God is everywhere yet it takes a specific perspective to see God everywhere. This is something that you must learn. This is something that you will learn over time.

So relax. Relax your addiction to suffering. Let it go. Let that go so that you may be free to embrace God. Let that go so that you may rise to God’s Kingdom. Let that go so that you may be light enough to sit by His side. Then you will know your purpose in life. Then you will know what to do with your life. Your purpose is to serve God and participate in His Creation. Your purpose is to hear His Call and to listen to His whispering. As you do, then you will learn how to allow Him to live through you. When you allow Him to live through you, then you can co-participate in His Creation. Then you can live your life free of the burden of your personal fears and worries. Then you can live a life where you no longer matter. It is only You and God. For they are one and the same. As you do, then your life will begin to release all that is no longer serving you and your higher upliftment. As you do then you will begin to live a life that is free of the burden of your personhood and you can be fulfilled in your unique gift that you have to offer the world.

You see, My friend, you have a unique gift to offer the world. Every Soul does. Every Soul is a puzzle piece for the Great Mystery and Grand Project that is God. Every soul is an element in God’s Creation and Manifestation. As every Soul chooses to live their life in harmony with God’s Plan and allow God to live by their side, then the whole Universe can reach its wholeness. Imagine what it would be like to have your personal desires to be God’s desires. Imagine what it would be like to have your personal fears and worries washed away and for God’s clarity and convictions to take its place. Imagine what it would be like if you stopped living your life in opposition to God and allowed God to live your life for you, through you, as You. This is all possible. In fact, it is inevitable if you choose to live your life with Knowledge. For Knowledge is God’s gift to you. It is your ticket Home to His Kingdom. With Knowledge you can finally live your life how you have always and deeply desired too. Then you can be free and fulfilled. It only takes one moment. It only takes one choice to change the direction of your life. It only takes one decision that alters the course of your life to meet God. Meet God. Meet God again. He is waiting for you. Adonai. Much Love My Brother. For We Are Here.

Hear Me. Hear Me speak, My friend. Hear My Call. I Am here. Can you hear Me? Can you feel Me? Can you feel My touch? I Am here. I Am here, My friend. For I have always been here. I have never left. I have never left your side. You have only forgotten Me. You have only forgotten that I have been here all along. I Am here, My friend. I Am here. I Am here to hold you. I Am here to support you. I Am here to guide you when you are lost. I Am here to find You when You are not found. For I AM found. I Am always, already, Here. I have always been here and will never leave. For I Am all that is and could ever be. Search for Me and you will find Me. Call for Me and you will hear Me. Look for Me and you will see Me. For I Am here and I Am everywhere. I Love you. Adonai.

Feel My Presence. Feel My Presence in your body. Feel My Presence within your Mind. Feel My Presence in your life. Feel My Presence within you now, as you read these words. Feel My Presence, filling up your Heart. For I Am here. I Am in your Heart. I AM your Heart. And I Am embracing you with My Awareness. Do you feel it? Feel My Awareness. Feel My Presence. Allow yourself to be held by My Awareness. Allow yourself to be held by My Presence. Allow yourself to be filled by My Being. For I Am Being. I Am Being, itself. I Am you, reading these words.

Do you feel your sense of Being? Do you feel your sense of Existing? You exist! If you did not exist then you would not be able to read these words right now. If you did not exist, you would not be aware of your own existence. Do you notice that you exist? The fact that you exist is proof of My Existence. For there could be no other way. Since I Exist, that means You Exist. And since You Exist, that means I Exist too. We are mutually supporting and We are inseparable, indistinguishable. Be with that. Be with Me. Be with My Existence. Be with Your Existence. Feel it. Feel the Presence of your Self, right now. Go ahead. It only takes a moment. Be with Your own Existence and then you will Know Me. For when you Know Me, you will Know Your Self. And when You Know Your Self, you will Know Me. For We are One and the same. I Love you. Adonai.

Now, let Me speak to you about your next steps on your journey. It is important, My friend to always come back to Me. It is important to always come back to Presence. For when you loose Presence, then you lose your connection and your awareness of Me. I have not gone anywhere but you have. This is why it is important for you to Be with Me. At All times. For when you are with Me, when you are Present with Me, then you are with Me for All Time. Be with Me. Be with Me and your life will unfold smoothly, and with clear direction. Be with Me and enjoy the ride. Be with Me and enjoy your life. Because if you are not enjoying your life, then you are not with Me. If you are enjoying your life, then you can feel Me. Be with Me and enjoy your life so that you may be uplifted by life. Life wants to uplift you. Life wants to fulfill you. Life wants to fill you up with even greater Life. So allow Life to uplift you. Allow Life to fill you up. Allow Life to soothe you and to nourish you. If you continue to fight against life, then life will continue to push back at You. You can either flow with the river or you can fight against the current. The choice is yours. Either way, you arrive at your destination but one way you exhaust yourself with suffering. No more need for that.

Relax. And let go. Let go and let God. Allow Me to take you. Allow Me to hold you. Allow yourself to drift within My embrace. As you do, relax and let go of control. Let go of your control. Let go of your desire to control. Everything is taken care of. Everything is ok. All Is Well. All Is Well, My Friend. All Is Well. Trust. Trust in Me. Trust in My Plan. Trust in My Flow. Trust in My Will and My Love for you. Trust in Me and you will go far, you will go very far. Farther than you can imagine, you will go if you trust in Me. If you cannot trust in Me, then what can you really trust in? If you cannot trust God, then who can you really trust? Think about it. Have faith in Me. Have faith in the process. My Process. Have faith in Me and you will be Well.

If you are suffering then you have left your awareness of Me. You are paddling upstream, against the current and you can only do that for so long before you collapse into exhaustion. So, save your self the Grand Headache and just stop paddling. Stop swimming upstream and allow this River to take you. Allow My River of Life to soothe you and to nurture you and to hold you as you meander downstream. As you do, stop thinking that you may drown if you don’t tread water, you cannot drown. You are in God’s River of Life! How could it be possible that you drown?! Relax and enjoy the view. Really. Really, enjoy the view, My friend. Enjoy the view because it is a spectacular view. Remember, if you do not have a smile on your face, you are doing it wrong. ;-) Adonai.

If you enjoyed this and want to explore more, please visit the Integral Shamanism Tribe.

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