February 10, 2021
Oaxaca Coast, Mexico
HeartMind. Yes, My friend. I Am here. I Am here. I have always been here. I have always been here and I will always be here. Forever and ever, I will be. I never leave, nor do I stay. How can I stay if I have never left? I AM. That is all. I AM. This is My condition and My existence. I AM. This is Your condition and existence. You Are. For We Are One and the same. Always remember that. We are One and the same. We Love you. Adonai.
Blessings My Friend. Blessings to you today. For today is a great day. Today is a Holy day. It is the day of Our Holy Father. Everyday is. Everyday is the the day of Our Holy Father. Blessed is thee who can know this. Every day is God’s sacred day of freedom. Everyday is God’s sacred day of redemption. Every day is God’s sacred day of fulfillment. Every day and every moment. Rejoice. Rejoice in this moment. Rejoice in the moment of this moment. Rejoice in the moment of Now. Rejoice my Brethren. For it is only Now that God can be attained. You Are the Holy Spark of God. We Are the Divine Spark of God. I AM the Sacred Spark of God. All Are Sparks of God. That makes you part of God. And that makes you God, as well. All are God, yet all are not as conscious, as loving, as radiant, as Empty and Full of God’s Grace as God’s Primeness really is. God’s all pervasive, all encompassing, all knowing, infinite nature is Here, Now, for you to access. It is Here, Now, for you to Re-Member. It is Here, Now, for you to reconnect with. Feel it. Experience it. Know it. Then, no explanation is necessary. Only Being. We Love you. Adonai.
Greetings Hearts. Greetings My Friends. We are here now to share in the most jovial of ways, the High Consciousness of His Majesty’s Palace. You know what We speak of. This is a palace within you. This palace is part of a a larger kingdom of Rulership within you. It is this Rulership that is claiming its rightful thrown again. It is this Rulership that is claiming its Divine Heritage again. It is this Rulership that is claiming its Thrown, its Home again. You Know of what We speak. You Know. It is the Empty Thrown of the Heart where the Divine Ruler of HeartMind lies. It is in this Thrown that True Rulership is exercised. It is in this Thrown that True Righteousness is lived. It is in this Thrown that True Wisdom may be applied. It is in this Thrown that True Love may be expressed. It is in this Thrown that Divine Justice and Peace may reign again. It is in this thrown that Order my be restored. It is in this thrown that His Mind may be applied and His Heart may be felt. It is in this Thrown that the True Wisdom and Holy Love may give birth to Right Action—Right Action taken through the Kingdom. It is here that the True Law may be declared. It is here that the True Law may rule. It is here that the True Law may reign supreme. This Law, My Friends, My Brothers, My Sisters is the Law of Love. And all is brought back into its harmonious and righteous and beautiful balance again—the balanced rulership of the Heart. Remember. Re-Member this Balance. For it is inside you, waiting to be revealed, if you only let it.
Allow yourself to be Ruled. Allow yourself to be Ruled again. Allow yourself to be Ruled again by His Majesty, by His Holiness, by His Grace. Allow Grace to fill your heart and soul and body again. Allow Grace to cleanse your mind and heal your wounds. Allow Grace to free you from the sufferings and bondage of the oppression of your mind. Allow these shackles to loosen and release themselves back into the bondage from which they came. Allow Grace to liberate your mind from the causal entrapments of unseen forces. You know of what forces We speak. We speak of the forces of fear and doubt and confusion. We speak of the forces of hatred and violence, despair and contempt, pain and suffering. These forces only entrap you. These forces only entrap you further into the web of lies and deceit and ignorance of Who You Truly Are. These forces run you down. These forces run you down into the ground, and if you are not careful, they will dig your hole for you too. They will run you down so far deep that you cannot see any light again. These are the forces of decay, disorder and disorganization that bring you down into the pit of despair and death. Do you like this? Do you enjoy this? Do you want to live your life of suffering, fighting, surviving and dragging your corpse of a body in a slow process of dying? Does that sound fun? Enjoyable? Does that sound life affirming and encouraging? Does that make you excited to get up in the morning?
This is what your life becomes when you live a life out of sync with God. This is what life becomes when you live a life that is disconnected from your Heart. This is what life becomes when you allow other forces to rule your Inner Kingdom. You shut down. You break apart. You disintegrate until your eventual death. Do not let these forces run your life! Do not let these forces run your mind! Do not let these forces take over your body! Do not let these forces usurp the Thrown of your Inner Kingdom. Your Inner Kingdom was meant for One Ruler and One Ruler only—God. You Are His Spark. You are the heir to His Thrown. Take it. Claim it. Take what is Rightfully Yours. Reclaim Your Space. Reclaim your Self. Reclaim your Divinity. Reclaim the Sovereignty of your Inner Kingdom and Rule with Love. Love Rules All. Adonai.
Claim your Space. Claim your body-mind space so that Love may radiate. Love fills your space. Love Rules All. Adonai.
Breathe. Breathe into your inner space. Fill this space with your breath. Fill this space with Love. Love this space. Love this place, inside yourself. For it is here that Love reigns. Love Rules All. Adonai. We Love you.
Love is the Essence of the Universe, My friend. Fill your body with this Essence. Fill your mind with this essence. Fill your whole being with this essence so that you may remember this essence as you. You Are Love. We Love you. Adonai.
Blessed is thee who’s Inner Kingdom is Ruled by Love. May Peace prevail. Adonai.
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(Cover Image Source: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b5/4a/7a/b54a7a9bc9eb4c0db624aa64865e58f1.jpg)