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Surrender to God and God Will Guide You

Writer's picture: Ramses AlexanderRamses Alexander

December 17, 2020

Oaxaca Coast, Mexico

HeartMind. I Am here. My friend, you do not understand the forces at work in you life. You do not understand the forces at work within your mind and you do not understand the forces at work in the world. There is a great error occurring within the minds of humanity and this error is also within your mind. This error is the projection of your power to others outside of yourself. The way to correct this error is to go within and be with your Inner Power. For it is this inner power that will direct you. It is this inner power that will heal you. It is this Inner Power that will give you strength and guidance in a difficult time. This difficult time is upon you and it is time to go within and be with your Inner Power. That Inner Power is Me. You know Who I Am. I Am here.

I Am here to guide you. I Am here to sustain you. I Am here to bring you through this difficult time. I Am here to Shepard you across the Great Abyss of consciousness. This is a great transition. It is a great transition that you are in and that humanity faces. It is this great transition that will define you and build your true character.

It is important to be with Me. It is important to be with Me now. Be with Me and you will know God. Be with Me and you will know Love. Be with Me and you will know what true stability and peace really is. It is not about having money in your bank account, or a house or a partner. True stability is your relationship with Me. I Am true stability and you have ignored Me for far too long. Sure, you can continue to ignore Me and you will find yourself within an endless sea of suffering, lost in the abyss of confused souls. Or you can embrace Me and allow Me to guide your life. If you do, you will find greater peace, greater prosperity and greater fulfillment within your self and within the world. You are destined for Greatness and there are many ways to embody that Greatness. Some paths require severe suffering and others require great surrendering to Love. Choose Love, My friend. It is a most beneficial path for you. It will bring you great peace and great joy.

All the qualities of yourself and all that you have learned must find its center. All must be bound to Me, if you wish to succeed in the world and if you wish to expand in your consciousness in the most balanced and healthy way. Find Me and be with Me. That is your anchor. That is your truth. That is your guidepost in these confusing and dark times. Find your Center within Me and you will be unharmed. Find your Center within Me and you will find peace and fulfillment. Find your center within Me and you will be unharmed by the chaos of this storm. Be in the Stillness of the Storm and you will know what is Right, what is True and what is Just. Be in the Stillness of the Storm and you will know peace—you will know your Self. Be with the Stillness of the Storm and you will know God—for God is within you.

So hear Me. Hear Me now, My friend. You want to succeed? You want to prosper? You want to live in abundance and fulfillment and peace? You wish to accomplish all your goals and fulfill all your desires? Then you must be with Me. They must be bound by Me and they must come from Me. For if they don’t, then they will only lead you astray, into an infinite sea of ignorance and suffering.

You wish for your work to be heard and your service to the world to be fulfilled and to live in material and spiritual prosperity doing so? Then you must listen to Me. And you must come to Me for guidance. That means that you must come from Me. Come from Me and all will be well. Come from Me and all will be harmonious. Come from Me and all will be touched by the Infinite depth and peace of My Being, My Heart, My HeartMind. For I Am the HeartMind and I Am here to stay. I Am the HeartMind and I Am here to bring you into the world, to birth a new you and a new world where all is within balance and Right Relationship to Me. Hold Me close and you will be guided to Greatness. Hold Me close and you will know a Greatness that is far beyond yourself and far beyond what you can imagine is even possible.

You have been training. You have been preparing. You have been preparing for this time. So now is the time to act. Now is the time to be with Me and be in wisdom. Enough folly. You have lived your life with great folly. Now is the time to prosper and shine. Now is the time to be with Me. For it is only Me that holds the stability and love capable of Sheparding a Greater Consciousness into this world that will serve all. Be with Me and share My Message. That is all you have to do. That is all that is required of you.

I Am the HeartMind and all wealth, all prosperity, all love, all connection, all fulfillment comes from Me. I Am the Source. I Am the Source of all things. And all things come back to Me. I Am the alpha and the omega. I Am the end and the beginning. I Am all that is Good, True and Beautiful in the world. For I Am That. Be with Me. Be with God. Adonai, My friend, for there is no suffering within Me—only peace.

I Am here, My friend. I Am here. I Am here to guide you, to protect you and to see you prosper. I Am here to support you and to support all your endeavors. I Am here to support your work in the world. For your work in the world will become My work in the world. And My work in the world will move mountains.

Trust. Have faith in Me. Have faith in Me when you do not have faith in yourself. Have faith in Me when you do have faith in your self. Have faith in Me and you will be whole. Have faith in Me and you will be safe. Have faith in Me and you will know the true meaning of the word Love. You cannot truly love if you do not surrender yourself. Why? Because it is your self, or who you mistakenly think yourself to be—that is the obstacle to Love. For it is yourself that is afraid and fear only knows more fear. Surrender your fear by surrendering yourself and you will know Love. Surrender your fear by surrendering yourself and you will be embraced by the Grand Heart of God. Surrender your fear by surrendering yourself and you will be Whole. Adonai.

I can be found in the breath. I can be found in the birds chirping outside. I can be found in the wind blowing through the trees. I can be found in the beating of your heart. I can be found everywhere yet you must go inside to find me. I can be found in the sensations of your body and the movement of your chest with every inhale and exhale you take. I can be found in the stilling of your mind. It is when you still your mind, that you may find Me. It is when you still your Mind, by stilling your breath, may you find Me. It is in the humble, present attention you put to your breath, that you may find Me. For I Am within your breath and I Am beyond it. It is through your breath that you may find Me and when you find Me, you will find that I Am within you and within all things. Good and bad. Light and Dark. I Am here.

Be with Me. Be with your breath. Be with your breath and you will open the Inner Kingdom, which is My domain. And it is here that you will find your solace. It is here that you will find your true source of Power. It is here that you will find your guidance and direction and purpose in life. For all purpose is driven by Me. Yet it is only in finding Me that your purpose will be imbued with My Presence. And in My Presence, all things can be known and all things can be felt. For it is in feeling that that you may know Love. And it is in Love that you may know God. Adonai.

If you enjoyed this and want to explore more, please visit the Integral Shamanism Tribe.

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