June 4, 2020
San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico
Adonai means to rejoice and praise our Creator. It is a sense of thanksgiving and adoration of the magnificence of Creation. To say and speak Adonai is to acknowledge the beauty and splendor and mystery of Creation—it is to acknowledge the Great Mystery. The Mystery of God—our Creator.
Relish in the Mystery of God. Relish in the Mystery of Creation. Allow yourself to be uplifted by Creation and to be taken away by the love-bliss of God. For God is here. And God is with you. Live and love yourself. Adonai.
Allow God to hold you. Allow God to help you. Allow God to hold you dear, in the arms of infinity. Allow the Presence of God to hold you. Allow the Presence of God to fill you. Allow the Presence of God to know your name. Behold and reveal your name to God. I Am the Light, the Truth and the Way. And I know God. For God is with me. God is holding me. And God is within me. I hold God and God holds me. We are One Heart. Love. Adonai.
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(Cover Image Source: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/2e/e2/f6/2ee2f6595c49f4ce4a3c2b4549168571--the-heavens.jpg)